Car of the Week… Back in time…

Today we share Matt Bates, @mbates0032, hotrod roadster as our latest Car of the Week.

Since we were kids, Matt and I have known each other. I would say we were brought up very much alike with fathers that were into hotrods and even putting on car shows of their own. We often found ourselves at the local cruise in or car show together and running around like we owned the place. I’m sure we had conversations back then about the day we would have hotrod of our own.

Eventually our time would come as we built our own rides with our father’s help. As we also went to the same high school together, we often parked our rides side-by-side in the back of the parking lot. It was always a car show for Matt and I. I’m pretty sure we both wanted to outdo each other with the cleanest ride. I’m not sure if there ever was a bug that attached itself to Matt’s ride longer than the time it took to get noticed. Many nights we spent time hanging out, going to the local cruise spot where everyone would gather.

Now, Matt and I are “all grown up” with families of our own. Are kids are now nearing the age of driving. We recently were able to get our roadsters out for a drive once again together. It brought back precious memories for me of the days of old and just cruising down the roads again. It is and has always been about the little things for me. A chance to hang out, talk for a while and cruise with a friend are the times that many dream of. Even if it was just for a moment in time, we were kids again and dreaming hotrod dreams.